
The Great China: Wuxi

The Great China, Wuxi

Wuxi or 无锡, is a name of city in Jiangsu Province, China. From city where I live, Nanjing, it only took more or less 1 hour by speed train G-Train and 2 hour by slow train or K-train. 

Like other places in China Wuxi also has their own history. 

3 days at Wuxi seems not enough, many places I missed to visit. On the regards of my first spring, I've never feel what exactly spring is before, I want to see the flower blossom, I went to visit Cherry blossom garden and sight seeing in the Wuxi downtown.

What a beautiful cherry blossom...

Cherry blossom and I^^

Lake in the same area with cherry blossom garden.

Here is the most famous shopping mall in Wu Xi downtown. Luckily my friend apartment is in the downtown just walking distance to the shopping mall... 

It's a museum of a famous China traditional instrument player called, A bing. 

2 komentar:

  1. so wonderful.. beautiful.. magnificent.. owh.. it's cherry blossom.. hmm.. i thought it's sakura :p

  2. Hatur nuhun romo... eleuh eleuh cherry blossom teh sakura atuh sami mawon hehehe...
